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15-16 March, 2023

Switzerland supports energy planning in Albanian municipalities

SEMP Workshop in Berat

Berat, Albania – The Smart Energy Municipalities Project (SEMP) held a two-day workshop on March 15-16, 2023. The event was organized in frame of SEMP Project, a project financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Albanian Energy Agency and pilot Municipalities of Berat, Shkodra, Korca and Permet.

On the first day, training for monitoring and supervision of energy efficiency and renewable sources of energy projects was organized. The participants discussed the general project organization and main processes during implementation, as well as lessons learned from previous projects, including inputs from municipalities. The SEMP team presented proposals for main supervision processes and general supervision tools and processes.

On the second day, the group discussed planning and internal organization, including the presentation of outcomes of the baseline emission calculations and key performance indicators for target settings, as well as the relevance of strategic documents such as the Municipal Energy and Climate Action Plans (MECAP) and institutionalization of the Municipal Energy Management Unit (MEMU).

Following the performance assessment of pilot municipalities against the European Energy Award (EEA), as best practice for municipal Energy Management System, the participants discussed the priority activities in order to be included in their MECAPs, improve their performance in EEA and access additional funds (e.g. Project Preparation Fund).

The workshop provided a valuable platform for the participants to exchange experiences and expertise, build networks and partnerships, and develop strategies and solutions for improving energy efficiency and sustainability in their respective municipalities.

A project of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

In Partnership with

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